Fingerprint cum Card Reader Based Attendance Syste
A Simple Biometric Fingerprint Device along with RFID Card Reader In-built with USB interface for Pendrive data transfer and Ethernet port for Cable based data management. Economical and User Friendly Device.
GPRS Fingerprint Attendance
The GPRS X990 Fingerprint Attendance. 3000 fingerprint Memory and 100000 Transaction Memory, Suitable for Factories, Schools, Offices, Branch office maintenance, etc. No wire, No need for broad band connection at remote location.
Wifi Fingerprint Attendance
The X990 Fingerprint attendance system with Wifi. As a robust device the X990 is ideal with a combination of WIFI card. The reader is able to connect to any standard WIFI router. Customer Ref : Minerva Engineering, Ramavaram.
Attendance Solution
FBAC 9 with Attendance and Access Control installation at GT Aloha, Chennai
Finger Print Time Attendance System
Model No: FTA 6161 (T4) FTA 6161T is a standalone fingerprint T&A System, IN and OUT status, also low price with good performance, designed especially in the purpose of popularizing the fingerprint products. It could store 3000 fingerprint templates and
Finger Print Time Attendance System - FTA E9
FTA E9 is a standalone fingerprint T&A System, IN and OUT status, also low price with good performance, designed especially in the purpose of popularizing the fingerprint products. It could store 1500 fingerprint templates and 30000 transaction records.
Finger Print Time Attendance System - FTA H3
Finger Print Time Attendance System - FTA H3 FTA H3 is a standalone fingerprint T&A System, IN and OUT status, also low price with good performance, designed especially in the purpose of popularizing the fingerprint products. It could store 1500 fingerpr
Finger Print Time Attendance System - FTA X990
FTA X990 (X990) is a standalone fingerprint T&A System, IN and OUT status, also low price with good performance, designed especially in the purpose of popularizing the fingerprint products. It could store 1500 fingerprint templates and 50000 transaction